Deeper Psychology: Understand Man and Women

Deeper Psychology: Understand Man and Women


“Male and Female are as different as they are from different planets”


Namaste and welcome to the new article, “Deeper Psychology: Understand Man and Women”. This article will dig into the psychological aspects of both Man and Women, which will help you to understand how this opposite entity thinks and what’s their emotional needs. Understanding the psychology of the opposite gender is always helpful in several cases, wether that be relationship or normal life. 

First and the very most important thing that anyone must understand is that Man and Women have reciprocally different natures. So, how you think is now exactly how your opposite gender thinks, how is your emotional approach is not exactly how your opposite gender approach is. This is one of the very vital summaries of the Hindu Book, Kamasutra. Therefore the first step in understanding the psychology of the opposite gender is to stop thinking that they think like you think. Don’t we will decode the general psychology of both genders in this series, which will help you to analyze how the opposite gender thinks like.

The second important thing is you don’t have the complete feature of your gender. I mean, if you are female then you have most of the characteristics of females but will have some characteristics of males too. So, a female might be composed of 80% female psychology and 20% male psychology and a male can be composed of 70% male and 30% female psychological characters, so it depends on person to person. In this series, we will be talking about the general psychological difference between males and females.


Men love to have their abilities recognized and appreciated and hate to have them ignored 

So the thing is simple. Male psychology prefers their abilities to be recognized by others and wishes to get an appreciation for that. Whereas on the counter side,  women love to have their feelings recognized and appreciated and hate to have them ignored. Men usually don’t prioritize the feelings and for women feelings are everything. 

Women love co-operation and exercise their feelings through interactive communication

This is an important difference. Women generally prefer to solve any of their problems with interaction with family, or friends. They love to share and express their feelings. On the counterpart, men prefer to solve their problems on their own. They generally don’t express emotional discomfort with others.  So if a man is going through any problem they generally prefer non-communication and try to figure out the solution on their own. Women on the other side become as communicative as possible so she shares with others and to work out the best solution. 

So, generally when men are in the problem he doesn’t want his partner to express concern and sympathy for him, rather loves to hear the encouragement that he can easily love the problem. Simply expects a vote of confidence in his abilities from his partner. On the counterpart, women prefer that his partner expressing some sympathy for her and not saying the problem is simple. 


Men don’t prefer pointless chat

While communicating men prefer to listen to the chat if they feel the conversation has a point.  On the counterpart, women enjoy talking for their own sake being more expressive and exaggerating the things. So generally when women gather they have a deep conversation than any other men.


Men demand the right to be free

Men generally love free nature. He loves working freely and when he is free he finds his working efficiently and finds it easier to support a woman’s need. On the counterpart, women demand the right to be heard. When women feel heard then only she feels supported.  This is as usual contradicting psychological behavior differences between men and women. 


Men usually don't prefer demanded things

Men usually prefer the things that are appreciated rather than the things that are demanded. Criticizing, demanding, and giving lot of instruction will make a man feel like a slave which in the term is opposite for female psychology. Females love demands. Of course, female also doesn't love criticism, that's usual.

"Men need to remember that women talk about problems to get close and not necessarily to get solutions" - John Grey


This is the end of the article but I will try to continue this article by making it into a series. See you soon!

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